Submissions, dates, NeurIPS session format
As previously announced, the second round of submissions to ZeroSpeech, including the multi-modal track, are an official NeurIPS competition. The competition will have a pre-recorded overview talk by the organizers, presenting the overview of the Enhanced ZeroSpeech 2021 Challenge and its evaluations. The competition will also have a live, virtual session in which submitted systems, results, and winners will be presented. Watch this space for more details about the live session.
The submission deadline for systems to be included in the NeurIPS competition is November 19th, 2021, as previously announced. This will give us time to run the evaluation and prepare the material for the live session. If there is sufficient interest from participants, information about early submissions (made before October 20th) may also be included in the pre-recorded overview talk.
We invite participants to submit papers describing their system and results for the IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on Self-Supervised Learning for Speech and Audio Processing. This special issue has a submission deadline of December 31, 2021. Please see the call for papers for the IEEE JSTSP special issue for detailed information.
Please be advised that the previously proposed workshop on semi-supervised representations will not take place at NeurIPS this year. The workshop has been re-submitted to AAAI (Jan/Feb 2022), and, if accepted ZeroSpeech 2021 will have a presence. Watch this space for details.